FEHU | F | CATTLE | Riches; moveable wealth; vital energy; fire; the gods Frey and Freya; abundance through effort; inheritance of self and self value; material gain; earned income; success and happiness | |
URUZ | U | WILD OX | Brute strength; independence; raw power; shaping force; health and healing; home love on all sides; changes; a forceful masculine archetype | |
THURISAZ | TH | GIANT | The seeing of the future; directed force; aggression; defence; protection; the god Thor | |
ANSUZ | A | GOD | Higher consciousness; inspiration; wisdom; a message from within; chance encounter; the god Odin | |
RAIDHO | R | JOURNEY | Travel; journey of life; communication; rhythm; justice and right | |
KENAZ | K | TORCH | Creativity; craft; intellect; energy harnessed towards a goal | |
GEBO | G | GIFT | Exchange; balance; bonds of friendship and obligation; sexual union; unity with self and all others; harmony in relationships | |
WUNJO | W or V | JOY | Happiness; exstasy; harmony; friendship; will; confidence; bliss and glory | |
HAGALAZ | G | HAIL | Change; destruction leading to new creation, as with the destructive forces of nature | |
NAUDHIZ | N | NEED | Resistance; opposition; danger; friction; strengthening of the will | |
ISA | I | ICE | Stillness; stability; calmness; stagnation; blockage; barrenness; cold | |
JERA | J or Y | YEAR | Cycle of seasons; patience; harvest the seeds you have sown; reward; gain; fruition | |
EIWAZ | EI | YEW TREE | Life and death; the axis of the universe; shamanic journeying | |
PERTHRO | P | DICE CUP | Gaming piece; fate or destiny; birth; hidden things; mysteries; secrets | |
ELHAZ | Z | ELK | Protection; defence; sacred space; honour; connection with divine | |
SOWILO | S | SUN | Light; advancement; growth; evolution; victory; attainment of goals | |
TIWAZ | T | THE GOD TYR | Victory; justice; truth; sacrifice for the greater good; motivation; success | |
BERKANO | B | BIRCH TREE GODDESS | Growth; renewal; transformation; goddesses; female sexuality | |
EHWAZ | E | SACRED HORSE | Journeying; faithfulness; emotions; partnerships; trust | |
MANNAZ | M | MAN | Human life; self-knowledge; rational mind; human condition | |
LAGUZ | L | LAKE | Water; organic life; birth and death; the unconscious mind; concealment; a time of cleansing | |
INGUNAZ | NG | THE GOD FREYR-ING | Fertility; health; peace; latent power; male sexuality | |
DAGAZ | D | DAY | Paradox and resolution; enlightenment; safety; clarity; revelation | |
OTHALA | O | INHERITED LAND | Property; boundaries; heritage; inborn abilities | |